Laughing, Lunching and Launching!

Phew, its been a busy month or two – sometimes it feels as if our feet will never touch solid ground.  As all three of us are busy performers in our own right, diaries are sometimes a little crowded. Having said that we wouldn’t have it any other  way.

Between performances, we always manage a rehearsal with lots of laughter amidst the serious musical bits and almost never fail to round that off with lunch and sharing of ideas for new musical projects. Our musical word is a very happy place and hopefully that spills into our performances

In other news, our main project lately has been the production of a live five-track EP which will soon be ready. As you can imagine. we are all really excited about this and can’t wait to share it with you all. Meanwhile we are planning an EP launch on September 7th at Buckingham Old Gaol – watch this space for more detail coming soon…..

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